- Age:16
- Model:FL-01 (first of the Fratloids)
- Nationality:Mexican American
- Personalty: Happy Go Lucky and a go getter. Never likes to play second banana at anything but is very calm and collective if he has to. Likes chocolate, soda( specifically 7UP)
- Character Item: Guitar Pick
- signature song: Love Is War(debut song)
V-2 Series
V-2 Superdude
a lower smoother voiced Superdude, it's finally in its finished state and will be up for download when the demos are finished releasing.Signature Song: The Torture Tower Does Not Sleep (Artist: Mothy) (In Development)
Superdude V2 (Beta) Demo Cyber Thunder Cider (no Off Vocal)
Superdude V2 (Beta) Demo 2: GGRKS Feat. Kasane Teto
Superdude V2 (Finished Voicebank) (Demo 1): Magnet Feat. Camilla Melodia Append Lucid
Superdude V2 (Full Voicebank) Demo 2: Circus Monster
V-3 Series
Ace Masters
- age:16
- model: ACE-1(possibly the only ACEloid)
- Nationality:Mexican
- Personality: legit, epic, apathetic(he really doesn't care about anything), athletic (top ranked on Nyanmaster High's football squad)
- Character Item: Spade Necklace, Ace of Spades card
- this voicebank is currently under development stay tuned.....
Project Mexico
Jorge Cruz:
- age: 15
- model # : PM-01
- Nationality: Mexican
- Personality: living in Chihuahua he has a love for singing Bachata. He uses Bachata as inspiration to start a band and will stop at nothing to reach his dream no matter his age or race
- Character Item: casual looking Dress Shirt
- Likes: Bachata, tacos, Playing Guitar, and Clara
- Dislikes: People who says he's too young for most things that he is an ace at
Isabella Cruz:
- Age: 18
- Nationality: Mexican
- Personality: Jorge's older sister Isabella is the famous Mexican JPop Idol from one of Acemaster Publishing's Mangas Otaku High she lives in the fictional Japanese city that revolves around the Manga called Hiosi she became the first mascot thought up for the UTAUloid although Jorge's design was thought of first. She is the eldest of 2 children she is about 18 at the most. She does love songs mostly so she has grown attached to the romance genre.
- Character Item: A Rose
- Likes: YOHIOloid, Roses, Aqua Timez
- Dislikes: Hatred, Bullying
- Age:16(character)unknown(cat voice provider)
- Model:Unmarked UTAUloid(no Model#)
- Species: Neko(a genetically mutated girl with cat ears)(character) A very hungry black cat(Voice Provider)
- Nationality:Mostly European
- Personality:Exited for most things, never stops meowing when hungry.
- Character Item: Like Megurine Luka it's Tuna
- Signature song: What Else it's the Nyan Cat Song
- Note: The voice provider passed away and the voicebank will not be publicly up for download due to family concerns.
Superdude V1 Append Dark
- A dark murderous tone for horror songs or a deep sympathetic tone for sad songs
- Debut Song: Hide and Seek (숨기기 및 탐색)